Introduction Kshar Sutra

  • Kshar Sutra Therapy is an Ayurvedic parasurgical technique (treatment without surgery).
  • It is usually used to treat the ano-rectal diseases like piles, fistula, polyp, fissure, pilonidal sinus, condylomata etc.
  • It is occaisionly used to treat superficial warts, deep sinuses of muscular parts of the body, benign tumours, breast abscesses etc.
  • History of use of kshar sutra is mentioned in the Charak Samhita (1200 B.C.),and Susrut Samhita (1000 B.C.) for the treatment of piles, fistula , sinus, tumour etc. but there no description of method of preparation of Kshar Sutra found.
  • Chakrapani dutta the commentator of Charak Samhita (11th century), Govind Das the writter of Bhasjyaratnavali (18th century) and Sada Nand Sharma the writter of Rastaragini (20th century) mentioned the method of preparation of Kshar Sutra , the thread is repeatedly dipped in Snuhi Ksheer and coated with Haridra powder each time without use of any type of Kshar.
  • On this basis Dr. P.J. Deshpande and K.R. Sharma in 1968 of Department of Shalya and Shalakya IMS BHU, Varanasi modified and standardised the technique of Kshar Sutra preparation.
  • The Kshar Sutra is approved by scientific organisations like CCRAS (Central council for research in Ayurvedic science), ICMR (Indian council for medical research), CDRI (Central drug research institute) and IIIM (Indian institute of integrative medicine).
  • Kshar Sutra Therapy consists of preparation of Kshar, preparation of Kshar Sutra and its preservation and along with therapeutic application.